You get back from a run, stretch your hamstring half heartedly (just the one!) then end up rushing around on to other things? Or do you get home and immediately start eating and forget about stretching?
if this sounds like you, you need to redress the balance and add a stretching routine. It is the single most important thing you can do to prevent injury. And it will improve your running and breath work.
This 75 minute class will be held on Saturday 23rd January from 8.15-9.30am upstairs in a Little Dippers Centre, 40 Upper Gardner Street.
The class is suitable for everyone so it doesn't matter if you have never done yoga before or you know your surya namaskara from your trikonasana.
Run by founder, Rachael Woolston who is a qualified teacher this class will draw on aspects of Sivanada, Yin, Juvamukti and Ashtanga yoga.
You will go away with your own post run capsule stretch routine, making it easier to slot it into your every day routine. If you're contemplating the Brighton Marathon or Half then you should seriously consider doing this. Cheaper than shelling out hundreds on a physio once you're injured!
It costs £15 per person but spaces are strictly limited. Book via PayPal button on the right.
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