There's only a few weeks to go before your chance to get into the next Fitbitch Boot Camp starting June 28th - July 22nd. We are now selling out reflecting the fact that we get results both in weight loss and huge fitness improvement.
From mum of three with asthma to 5k runner, and from a business executive who can't run longer than five mins to training for a 10mile run, these are just a few of our latest successes. Then there's the weight losses which average at 7lb in four weeks but can be as much as a stone. Previous graduates have gone on to lose up to three stone whilst continuing with the camp and they've kept it off.
Plus any member of Fitbitch Boot Camp gets exclusive offers and deals - in the last two months graduates have enjoyed free meals at exclusive restaurant openings plus a free Pamper session including manicures and facials. Being a Fitbitch is a lifestyle not just a fitness camp.
Places are limited to 14 in the 7am camp which is the Full Fitbitch experience of 16 sessions. Plus in the 6am there will be 14 spaces of 16 sessions plus a further 6 spaces available for those who wish to drop in on an 8 or 12 session basis.
We will also be launching an evening camp in July, plus two week intensives Monday-Friday so keep your eyes peeled or become a fan on Facebook for the latest news.
Returning graduates enjoy a 10% discount on the Full Fitbitch Experience if booked and paid in full by this Friday June 4th and a 5% discount on 12 or 8 sessions.
For more details or booking email or call 07855 742195.